Focus on digitalization, commitment and execution

The pandemic has heightened the prominence of HR functions in organizations, and their strategic and business-critical impact has become clearer than was the case previously. A small number of organizations are making cuts regarding development – usually in industries that have been affected particularly badly by the pandemic. Otherwise, the needs are...



Focus on Your Circle of Influence

Not taking action around the things you can control/influence, but instead, spending your time complaining about or trying to influence things you can’t...

Work/Life Balance For Leaders

When you work hard to build your career, work/life balance can feel impossible. But not taking time to recharge will only hurt your efforts.

8 Ways to Manage Remote Team Members More Effectively

It’s only fair that you manage your remote direct reports the same way you do those who are co-located, right? Actually, that would be unfair.

Leading Hybrid Teams

It's not uncommon for leaders to be concerned about remote workers' productivity. Remote workers, on the other hand, choose to work longer hours and thus are...

How To Set Team Goals

As a leader, you can help your team impact the organization in ways that individual contributors rarely can. Learn how to set team goals that engage the hearts...

A Culture Of Feedback And Your Unconscious Bias

Giving and seeking honest and meaningful feedback provides you with insight into your blind spots and opens the lines of communication with your team.

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