Focus on digitalization, commitment and execution

The pandemic has heightened the prominence of HR functions in organizations, and their strategic and business-critical impact has become clearer than was the case previously. A small number of organizations are making cuts regarding development – usually in industries that have been affected particularly badly by the pandemic. Otherwise, the needs are...



Focus on Your Circle of Influence

Not taking action around the things you can control/influence, but instead, spending your time complaining about or trying to influence things you can’t...

8 Ways to Better Manage Ambiguity and Uncertainty

As a manager, you’re supposed to be in charge, but of what? Shifting company strategy, markets changing with the wind, unclear priorities from your manager,...

Work/Life Balance For Leaders

When you work hard to build your career, work/life balance can feel impossible. But not taking time to recharge will only hurt your efforts.

Begin with the End in Mind

To begin with the end in mind means to start every endeavor with clearly defined outcomes.

Principles of Successful Networking

How did Scott O’Neil become the CEO of the Philadelphia 76ers, Philadelphia Flyers, and the New Jersey Devils? Simple: networking.


The See-Do-Get model is one tool anyone can use to accept change. In this cycle, See are your paradigms or the way you see the world; Do is your behavior or...

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