
10 måter å snakke som en leder på

Vil du at de som rapporterer til deg, skal være positive teammedlemmer? Da bør du tenke nøye gjennom hvordan du snakker til dem.

Are My Remote Employees Actually Working?

While you’re stressing out about whether your remote is working — Why hasn’t she sent an update? Why isn’t she on chat? —your remote could be stressing out...

FranklinCovey kjøper Strive

Den unike kombinasjonen av Strives sosiale læringsplattform og FranklinCoveys førsteklasses innhold og tjenester for å skape svært engasjerende...

FranklinCovey Leadership Tip: Building Trust

Building trust with the people you work with can seem like a daunting task especially if they work remotely. You don’t have to go on a three-day retreat to...

FranklinCovey is a Top 20 Company in Leadership Training 2021

For the fourth consecutive year, FranklinCovey have been awarded a place on the list as one of the top 20 Global Leadership Training Companies in the world by...

The 13 Behaviors Of High Trust

These 13 Behaviors are common to high-trust leaders and people throughout the world. As you work on behaving in ways that build trust, one helpful way to...

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