Focus on digitalization, commitment and execution

The pandemic has heightened the prominence of HR functions in organizations, and their strategic and business-critical impact has become clearer than was the case previously. A small number of organizations are making cuts regarding development – usually in industries that have been affected particularly badly by the pandemic. Otherwise, the needs are...



The 4 Cores of Credibility

Trust is a function of two things: character and competence. Character includes your integrity, your motive, your intent with people. Competence includes your...

Show loyalty to earn loyalty

And I think too often inherent in the statement is an outward thought about how we gain loyalty from them. Rather, shouldn’t the focus be on how we show...

Improve your intent

Intent is your fundamental motive or agenda and the behavior that follows.

New technologies to expand L&D opportunities

Follow our blog series in four parts, on the future of corporate learning. This fourth and last one tackles the topic of "New technologies to expand L&D...

Create vision

Have you articulated an inspiring vision so your people choose to volunteer their best?

Individualized Learning Experiences

Follow our blog series in four parts, on the future of corporate learning. In the upcoming weeks there will be more topics deepening the insights. This third...

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